Emooter - Your Virtual Guide for Mental Health and Wellbeing at Work
Emooter is a Finnish startup, which has developed and launched an app that helps you and your team improve mental wellbeing at work. You and your team can find out your state of wellbeing in minutes. Emooter interviews you and your team with a couple of meaningful and scientifically validated questions each week. You get instant feedback on your mental wellbeing, anxiety, and resilience. Emooter app gives you personalized suggestions and ideas based on your answers i.e. the mental state. Learn to craft your job and improve wellbeing in a sustainable way. All suggestions are scientifically validated measures. Keep track of wellbeing together with your team. Emooter makes changes to wellbeing visible throughout the week, month, and year. You can prevent problems and boost positive changes together with your team, but also react fast enough in the new remote working and crisis conditions.